Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - FGV
FGV EAESP was founded in 1954, thanks to the joint efforts of the Brazilian government and business community, in collaboration with Michigan State University, in order to train people to tackle the challenges Brazil was going through.
It was a period of fast growth, technological change, international contact and the emergence of new economic powers. In this context, the School played a fundamental role in preparing and updating Brazil’s managerial capacity, working to meet new demands for executive education and accompanying the phase of intense industrial development that was beginning.
Since then, FGV EAESP has enhanced itself continuously to meet the demands of the academic and business communities, creating and implementing new courses and services in many different sectors.
FGV EAESP is accredited by the three leading international certification organizations. As a result, its program diplomas are valid in many countries, benefiting those who plan to develop a career abroad or work at a multinational.
Key points
MIM programme at this school
Master’s Degree in International Management (MPGI) - in partnership with renowned foreign institutions, qualifies professionals to take on leadership positions in the global business environment. The program offers the opportunity to obtain a double degree: a master’s in international management from FGV EAESP, and another degree from a partner foreign institution.
Living in the city
São Paulo is a metropolis with over 12 million habitants and it is the most important economic center of Brazil.We are the largest tourist destination in Brazil, with about 14 million tourists a year.
São Paulo is known for:
- Cultural Attractions: 101 museums, 282 movie theaters, 146 libraries and around 40 cultural centers; besides several popular festivities and fair that take place in its streets.
- Diverse Gastronomy: over 15 thousand restaurants and 20 thousand bars.
- Nightlife: one of the best places for parties, nightclubs and other night time programs.
- Community: the largest Japanese, Lebanese and Italian community living in São Paulo.
- Green Area: São Paulo has more than 100 parks spread out around the city, like the Ibirapuera park, our central park.
To learn more about the city of São Paulo: https://cidadedesaopaulo.com/v2/?lang=en
CEMS Club São Paulo
The CEMS Club São Paulo is an association of CEMS students at FGV EAESP that strives to ensure a vibrant and dynamic CEMS community in São Paulo, which aims to organize academic, corporate, as well as social events to foster long-life relationships with co-students, alumni, and corporate & social partners.
To learn more: https://cems.club/saopaulo/

1.5 to 2,5 years
Late July
- Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Internacional
Term dates for the Master Programme(s)
Academic year
Course code Title Type of course Teaching mode Start date End date View IEEM - 30 International Economics for Emerging Markets Elective In person 2024-08-05 2024-09-30 View GBE - 30 Global Business Environment - Navigating the Digital Landscape Elective In person 2024-08-05 2024-09-30 View CSM-30 Customer Success Management Elective In person 2024-08-06 2024-10-01 View MTI-30 Management of Technology and Innovation Elective In person 2024-08-06 2024-10-01 View IAI-30 Internationalization in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Elective In person 2024-08-08 2024-10-03 View FCF-30 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Elective In person 2024-08-08 2024-10-03 View SIP-30 Strategy in an International Perspective Strategy In person 2024-10-07 2024-12-02 View IM-30 International Marketing Elective Online 2024-10-07 2024-12-02 View VALUAT-30 Valuation Hard Skills / Elective In person 2024-10-08 2024-12-03 View BE-30 Brazilian Economy Elective In person 2024-10-09 2024-12-04 View 14332-30 Social Entrepreneurship Elective In person 2024-10-10 2024-12-05 View APM-30 Agile Project Management Elective In person 2024-10-10 2024-12-05 View ESWA-30 E-commerce Strategies and Web Analytics Hard Skills / Elective In person 2024-10-10 2024-12-05 View