Unlocking Excellence: The American University in Cairo's Triple Crown Accreditation and Unique Opportunities for CEMS Students

The American University in Cairo (AUC) has recently joined the CEMS community (in 2017), yet it’s an institution with more than a century of educational history. Moreover, its School of Business is a pioneer in the case method in the Middle East.
AUC CEMS Academic Partner

Founded 15 years ago, Khazindar Case Center (KCC) promotes case teaching and learning across the region. Two years ago, KCC joined forces with the Associate Professor of Management and a case expert Dr. Marina Apaydin to include case writing projects in two CEMS courses taught at AUC: Global strategy and Global leadership. In the Global strategy course students write cases about Egyptian companies considering international expansion in the region and beyond. One of such cases, “Breadfast” co-authored by Marc Minutillo (WU) and Farah Oun (AUC) has been recently accepted for publication by prestigious Ivey Publishing.

In the Global Leadership course in 2022, students interviewed five prominent Egyptian businessmen and wrote cases about them. One of the cases about Sherif Elkholy navigating the COVID-19 crisis co-authored by Ida Salo (Aalto) and Denis Caro-Lognol-Brasseur (Louvain) was published by Case Focus. Another case written by Malak Fayed (AUC) with participation of Topi Ronkainen (Aalto) about succession issues in a family business was accepted for publication by the academic publisher Emerald (for their Emerging Markets Case Collection).

In 2023, Global Leadership students pushed the target even further and travelled to the South of Egypt to interview local tribesmen and their leaders about tribal principles of leadership. Their coursework resulted in 3 cases and one article, two of which have been submitted to Ivey Publishing.

AUC article images

The American University in Cairo is a premier higher education institution in Egypt, and its School of Business wears the “triple crown” accreditation (AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS) as an accolade to mark its standing as one of the exclusive 1% of world-class international business schools to receive this distinction. CEMS students choosing to come to AUC for their second semester in the program enjoy not only a high-quality education but also a unique local experience and interaction with important personalities in the country. They have an opportunity to improve their academic standing with published work by prestigious publishers such as Ivey and Emerald.