Environmentally aware employees drive innovation: HSG Study Unveils Workplace Impact

Have you observed instances where a sustainable lifestyle has influenced workplace dynamics positively, fostering a culture of continuous improvement? Currently, little is known about the relationships between economic and environmental dimensions in the attitudes and behaviors of people in organizations. Thus to energize a solution-oriented conversation, an analysis by researchers from HSG and other universities has addressed this issue to show…
ST.Gallen - Environmentally aware employees


Employees who embrace environmentally friendly lifestyles not only serve as sustainability ambassadors in their organizations but also contribute to increased economic potential. According to a study led by Stephanie Rüegger and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Palmié from the University of St.Gallen (HSG).

“We consider in our research project that an employees' private environmental orientation influences not only their environmental and social behavior at work, but also their propensity to make suggestions for improvements.” – Maximilian Palmie

How can organizations effectively integrate environmental and people-friendly values into their reward and recognition systems to encourage a positive and proactive work culture? 

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Know how the study was done and uncover the secret to a greener, more prosperous workplace!

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